Learning and the Language Art Membelajarkan Penguasaan Keterampilan Membaca dan Menulis pada Anak-Anak

Rini Dwi Susanti


Children use language for social purposes so that teachers plan teaching
activities in the social component, such as classroom writing activities. The concept
of children’s language reflects the culture of their home community, so that the
teachers must respect students’ language and appreciate the cultural differences
in their attitudes towards learning in general and learning language arts. Children
learn to read and write through the mastery of skills gradually. Their language
learning is influenced by art learning where the language is given. Learning
programs should not be interpreted as any activity or material, but on the contrary,
the teachers design the learning and teaching strategies form based on how the
children learn. The approach used is cognitive learning theory, psycholinguistics
and sociolinguistics. In addition, it is in line with constructivist or cognitive


language art; reading; skill; writing

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/thufula.v1i1.4247


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