Pemahaman Gaya Belajar pada Anak Usia Dini

Retno Susilowati


Learning style is a characteristic cognitive, affective and psychomotor
behavior, which acts as an indicator of relative stability for the learners feeling
interconnected and reacting to the learning environment. Learning style refers
to the preferred way of learning learners. Generally, it is considered that a
person’s learning style is derived from personality variables, including cognitive
and psychological composition of the socio-cultural background, education and
experience. Diversity of learning styles of students need to firstly consider any
institution that they will join in. Almost all students (kindergarten) has a mix
of learning styles, very few children who have only one learning style. Learning
style is a mix of learning styles which children sometimes type at once visual and
auditory or kinesthetic as well, or just a kinesthetic and visual.


kindergarten; learning styles

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Bobbi DePorter dan Mike Hernacki. 1992. Quantum Learning. Kaifa.

Christiana Demaja W. Sahertian. Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahan Ajar dan Gaya Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar.

Howodi Reni Akbor. Orang tua dan Guru harus Kenal Gaya Belajar Anak secara Tepat agar Anak tak Frustasi karena Dinilai.

Meier Dave. 1992. The Accelereted Learning. Kaifa.

Sidjabat.Gaya Belajar Anak (Styles of Learning).Yogyakarta: Yayasan Andi.



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