Pesantren Sebagai Habitus Peradaban Islam Indonesia

Siti Ma'rifah, Muhamad Mustaqim


ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL AS CIVILIZATION HABITUS INDONESIAN ISLAM. Islamic boarding school is a native and traditional Islamic education system which has been there along with the arrival of Islam in Indonesia. The existence of Islamic boarding schools as part of the Islamic teaching becomes the pulse of the development of Islam itself. Thus, the Islamic boarding school is an original education system that has formed Muslim religious and social behavior from generation to generation. Civilization and culture of society is formed by the social behaviors which have been internalized into a social structure. This behavior, according to Bourdieu, called the habitus. Habitus in this case created through the process of socialization of values that lasts longer, so it settles into a way of thinking and behavior patterns that persist in the human self. If we follow this reasoning, then Islamic boarding school is a social habitus formed in Muslim behavior patterns in social life. As habitus, Islamic boarding schools have a system of values inherited from generation to generation. In this paper, it was obtained some of the value system of education and civilization made up by the Islamic boarding schools, including modesty, the preservation of traditions, culture science, and nationalism.


Islamic Boarding School; Habitus; Social Behavior


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