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Gambaran Fase Exhausted pada Mahasiswa yang Melakukan Kuliah Daring: Telaah General Adaptation Syndrome dan Psikologi Ghazalian

Erina Rahmajati


The changes in lecturing methods during the Covid-19 pandemic created special pressure for students. The pressures and changes that occur in an individual have an impact on the emergence of stressful conditions. In the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) approach, the stressors lead a stress response beginning from the alarm, resistance and Exhaustion phases. In particular, this study discusses the conditions in the last phase, namely the Exhaustion phase. This online lecturing lasts a long time, so it requires high performance from students, and how the conditions in this Exhaustion phase describe the condition of their performance so far. This study used an open questionnaire which revealed Exhaustion responses based on the GAS approach. The study involved 50 students consisting of students from semester 3 to semester 7. The results of this study showed that the Exhaustion conditions of students who conducted online lectures appeared physical responses in the form of physical fatigue such as dizziness, physical fatigue and eye problems. Meanwhile, the psychological response appears a feeling of relief and feelings of sadness and disappointment.


Online Lectures, Stressor, General Adaptation Syndrom, Exhaustion phase


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v7i1.9529

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