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Membangun Peradaban Sufistik melalui Hermeneutika Schleiermacher pada Ekspresi-Ekspresi Sejarah Perjuangan Imam Husain

Fadhlu Rahman, Dicky Darmawan


The modern western perspective initiated by the renaissance and the enlightenment century successfully couped the reality of God. This was carried out by some western intellectuals and thinkers, which ultimately gave obscurity to the human concept. The obscurity of this concept then has implications for the meaning of the progress of human civilization. This further gives serious problems to almost the entire social order.   Husain's struggle as the eternal history of humanity interpreted through Hermeneutics Scheleiermacher provides another perspective on human concepts and the progress of civilization. The monotheistic values they contain glance at the sides of spirituality as a measure of the progress of civilization. From it the definition of civilization gained new space and paved the way for human potentials that were inherently the cornerstone of the progress of civilization. This paper tries to uncover the values of Imam Husain's struggle in Karbala which is interpreted through Schleiermacher's psychological and grammatical interpretation and contextualizes it with the concept of Coomaraswamy spiritual civilization, as a foundation for the meaning of civilization using historical and descriptive analysis methods. So that the paradigm of the progress of civilization gets an alternative new perspective, and spirituality can be used as a measure of the progress of civilization.


civilization, struggle of al-Husain, Schleiermacher’s grammatical, psychological interpretation


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v6i1.7084

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