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Struktur Insan sebagai Konsep Kepribadian Manusia Perspektif Sufi

Naan Naan, Andi Nurlaela


This paper focuses on Sufi views on human personality. The object of study is the human spiritual structure. The human spiritual structure, that is in the inner dimension is obtained from mystical experience and information from previous murshid. The writing of this article aims to explain personality theories and find true common thread put forward by some sufi figures. The method used for this study is literary surveys. In general, sufi literature states that human personality consist of spirit, heart and soul. All three are referred to as completing instruments. While reason takes the position as a logical conscious entity. This view based on the text of the holy Qur’an and  the myticism of the teacher’s guidance. This mystical experience produces interpretations that are rich in diversity and loaded with differences.


Human, Personality, Spirit, Heart, Soul


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v6i2.7083

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