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Psikoterapi Kelompok Positif Untuk Meningkatkan Judul Kesejahteraan Psikologis Pada Family Caregiver Pasien Skizofrenia

Raras Indah Fitriana, Ahmad Rusdi, Rr Indahria Sulistyarini


Schizophrenic patients are not able to carry out their normal developmental tasks, both in terms of cognitive, emotional, behavioural, or life impulses so they need others especially from family. Family caregiver is not easy to do the work because the presence of schizophrenia patients is a source of prolonged stressors for family caregiver so that it can have a psychological impact on family caregiver members. This study aimed at understanding the effect of Group Positive Psychotherapy to increase the psychological well-being of family caregiver of schizophrenia patients. The Group Positive Psychotherapy was developed based upon the existing components in the positive psychotherapy including positive emotion, involvement, and the meaning of individual life. The respondents of this study were 14 family caregiver of schizophrenia patients. The respondents were divided into experimental group and control group. This study employed a quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test control group design. The instrument was used in this study included psychological well-being scale. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis were used. The result of the Sphericity Assumed showed the score of p=0,00 (p<0,05) and F=15,218. The research proved that the family caregiver of schizophrenia patients obtained the Group Positive Psychotherapy had the significantly higher score of psychological well-being compared to the group of family caregiver that did not have any Group Positive Psychotherapy


Group Positive Psychotherapy, Psychological Well-being, Family Caregiver


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v5i2.6421

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