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Filsafat Sufistis Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul

Fathul Mufid


Suhrawardi built his philosophical thinking with the spirit of combining “intuition-mystical vision” with “rational-philosophical vision”. The combination of “intuition-mystic and rational-philosophical vision” is known as "hikmah al-Isyraq". The concept of Wisdom al-Isyraq is the second school of thought in Islamic Philosophy. This paper is a study of Suhrawardi's Sufistic philosophy with a historical and philosophical approach. The historical approach is used to review the thought settings that influence Suhrawardi's thoughts from the historical point of view of previous Islamic thought. In addition, a philosophical approach is also used to analyze documentary data in a fundamental, integral, and systematic manner with the descriptive-analysis method. The purpose of this paper is to trace the basic thinking of the concept of "Hikmatul Isyraq" Suhrawardi from the point of view of Sufistic philosophy. The findings of this study indicate that there are five sources of Isyraq Suhrawardi's thoughts: first, Sufism thoughts, especially al-Hallaj and al-Ghazali. Second, the thinking of Paripatetik Islamic Philosophy, especially Ibn Sina, which is considered important to understand Isyraqi's teachings. Third, philosophical thinking before Islam, namely the flow of Pytagoras, Platonism, and Hermenism. Fourth, the thought (wisdom) of ancient Persia which he considered to be the direct heir of the wisdom of the Prophet Idris As. (Hermes). Fifth, the teachings of Zoroaster, especially in using the symbol "light" and "darkness".


Light (Nur), Philosophical, Isyraq (Illumination), Mystical, Suhrawardi, Philosophical


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v5i2.5874

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