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Sufi Healing dan Neurosains Spiritual bagi Pasien Skizofrenia di Yayasan Jalmah Sehat Desa Bulungkulon, Kudus

Atika Ulfia Adlina, Ummi Nadhifah


This article aims to provide readers with an understanding of how the application of Sufi healing for Schizophrenia patients at the Bulungkulon Health Foundation Jalmah, Kudus. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder with distinctive distortions in one's cognitive processes. Sufistic therapy (Sufi Healing) is used by managers of the Healthy Foundation to treat patients with schizophrenia. Sufi healing or so-called sufistic therapy for treatment and healing of physical, mental, or psychiatric, spiritual or spiritual ailments with the framework of Sufism. Data in the form of an overview of the patient's condition and the practice of sufistic therapy were collected from the informant through interviews and observations. The data was then coded and analysed using Sufi healing theories and the neuroscience theory of spirituality as its reinforcement. The results of these findings are that sufistic therapy used is adjusted to the condition of schizophrenic patients. Ruqyah therapy is used when patients experience hallucinations while prayer therapy, prayer, ablution are used when patients experience anxiety. Prayer therapy in congregation and several other sufistic therapies are also used as daily treatment. The patient's recovery depends on the degree of illness and the consistency of treatment. In addition, spiritual enhancement after a patient is declared cured is also part of the steps emphasized by the Foundation's management.


Sufi healing (Sufistic Therapy), Schizophrenia, Neuroscience, Spirituality


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v5i1.5810

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