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Rekonseptualisasi Terminologi Khalwat –Kwajikan di Dunia Tasawuf Menurut Islam Transformatif

Muhkamad Agus Zuhurul Fuqohak


This study examines the concept of khalwat modern era. Which is actually khalwat can be meaningful solitude. In Islamic terms alone, there is khalwat which means the shining of men and women who have no mahrom relationship. Then, there is also khalwat which means giving away the soul from the crowd of people. This is the Sufic meaning that will be developed in this study. This qualitative and literary research attempts to decipher the meaning of khalwat in the sufistic world. Then it is applied in the model of service of the Naqshabandi Order. Namely the model of remembrance with certain wirid and with conditions or special murshid (spiritual teacher). The conclusion of this study is that the meaning of khalwat in the right modern era is to offer soul without the body. That is, feeling alone in the crowd so that the perpetrator does not have to leave the activity, but gives spiritual value in his activities.


modern era, seclusion, servants


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i2.4473

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