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Tela’ah Terhadap Metode dan Validitas Tafsir Esoterik (Isyari)

Zumrodi Zumrodi


This article aims to examine the methods and validity of esoteric interpretations in studying the Qur'an. The Qur'an is the last book revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. contained in various aspects of the teachings, both concerning aspects of faith, worship, mu'amalah and morals. The various teachings in the Qur'an are mentioned globally. Therefore, a method is needed to know these teachings. In understanding the Qur'an, it can be reached through the bi al-Ma'tsur, bi al-Ma'qul and bi al-Isyari (esoteric) methods. This bi al-Isyari method has its own uniqueness, because the Islamic interpretation is a spiritual interpretation. Thus, the Islamic or esoteric interpretation also requires a spiritual method, namely through Tazkiyatunnafsi, concentrating on reading the Qur'an with tadabbur, tafakkur, tadzakkur and tayaqqudh. The results of the analysis show that esoteric interpretation is considered valid if it fulfills four requirements, namely not contrary to the shari'ah, does not conflict with the final meaning, is not so far away and the interpreter does not claim that his interpretation is the only valid interpretation.


Al-Quran, Tafsir Esoterik, Tafsir Isyari'


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i2.4167

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