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Menggapai Ketenangan Hati dengan Dzikrullah

Istianah Istianah


This was article described importing dzikrullah to peacefulness. While our was experienced  worries, panic’s, depresstion’s, anxieties, and others, it was effected mental disorders, so Al-Qur’an had therapy called dzikrullah (QS. Ar-Ra’du [13]: 28). This was dzikrullah instructed in (QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 152) and (QS. Al-A’raf [7 ]: 205). Dzikir was form vebal speech, gesture, or heart throb appropriated religious manners in closer to Allah. Those aim dzikir was closered to Allah for mental resignational achievement, totality commit to Allah. Basically level’s in dzikir was read la ilaha illa Allah. Dzikir was controlled for “ washed soul” by Imam Ghazali called tazkiyah al-nafs in bad caracters, there were hasad, envy, revenge, arrogancies, ujub, riya, stingy and others. Those caracters was domited thought and peoples behaviour, so it would put deviations activities. Dzikir said Ibnu Atha’illah called active flame, if was meet firewood that it could flames. If was house darkness that could torch. And also house could light, it colud highest light.


dzikrullah, peace and mind


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i1.4087

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