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Institusi Pembentuk Perilaku Sufi dalam Kehidupan

Moh Rosyid


This paper is the result of the author's research in 2016. The data is explored by interviews, observations, and Forum Group Discussion authors with research objects, namely 3 Father / Pastor under the auspices of the Holy Parish. The purpose of this research is to add to the knowledge of the reader that Romo who was educated in the seminary (special institute of Romo printers) lived a simple life, like the Sufis in Islam. The simplicity is because before being ordained, Romo promised before the archdiocese to carry out three things, namely celibacy (not married / not married forever), living in poverty, and obedient leadership. This is when associated harfiyah the meaning of Sufism includes ahl al-suffah (life in poor condition). The three vows truly became the breath of life of Father. Seminary as a formal educational institution specifically facilitating Catholic programs to be educated as Pastor / Father does not mean that all Seminary students become Father. There are those who drop out or finish their education not ready to be ordained to run other professions. That is because being a priest is only because of the heart's calling.


commitment, promise, the simple life


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i1.4086

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