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Membumikan Tasawwuf di Tengah Krisis Spiritualitas Manusia Abad Modern Pandangan Sayyed Hossein Nasr

Muhammad Nabil


In this modern world, people are more focused on worldly or material nature, and far from the spiritual direction. Technology and lifestyle become a trend of life and symbols of progress or level of human strata in the direction of perfection, then with the technology that is increasingly high and far away,  keep people even the crisis in human nature. Analytical descriptive is the method used in answering the problems of this modern century. This matter Sayyed Hossein Nashr provides solution from various solutions, one of which he loves is Tasawwuf, this teaching is the point or center of spiritual improvement in the direction of perfection to the essence. In this case tasawwuf becomes the vehicle of choice with the aim of filling human spirituality which is filled with material, nobility, and worldly influences to the nature of nature. It is natural that tasawwuf has an important role in maintaining human balance in the worldly and the beyond aspect. So with the existence of tasawwuf all knowledge will not colide, so it becomes necessary to balance religion and culture.


Tasawwuf, Modernity, The Role of Sufism in Facing Modernity


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i2.4049

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