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Fiqih Sufistik KHR.Asnawi dalam Kitab Fashalatan

Mohammad Fathoni


Sufistic jurisprudence is a religious style that is not biased, meaning that seeing worship both physically and mentally is equally important. Al Ghazali is considered a cleric who is very instrumental in the development of Sufistic jurisprudence in the Islamic world, and his thoughts have been brought by the spreaders of Islam to the archipelago. KHR. Asnawi ulama from Kudus can also be called one of the scholars who followed in the footsteps of the Hujjatul Islam in conducting a study of Sufistic jurisprudence. Sufistic jurisprudence is a way that can be used to build moderate ways of thinking, so that generations of milinarians are not trapped in instant ways of thinking without holistic reflection. This study uses primary sources of Kitab Fashalatan KHR. Asnawi, while secondary sources are the Sufi books of the Salaf and Khalaf scholars. In the book of Fashalatan it is seen that the book that discusses this prayer contains the values of Sufism that can lead us to face problems in the 21st century.


Fiqih sufistik, KHR.Asnawi, Kitab Fashalatan


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i2.4047

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