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Pengelolaan Stres dengan Meningkatkan ESQ Melalui Teknologi Quantum Ikhlas

Muhamad Jalil


Stress is a very common condition. Where the heart will beat fast, the palms sweat, and the stomach flares up while under stress. This study aims to describe and analyze how the implementation of Quantum Ikhlas Technology for the development of emotional and spiritual intelligence (ESQ) to reduce stress. This research is a library research by studying the book Quantum Ikhlas by Erbe Sentanu. Data collection is carried out with documentation techniques. The results showed that: the increase in ESQ in the application of Quantum Ikhlas Technology using motivation methods, the story method accompanied by parables which contained lessons and advice, habituation methods, and visualization methods. ESQ enhancement through Quantum Ikhlas Technology is able to suppress one's stress because the goal praying training participants showed an increase in ESQ through electroencephalogram observation. Emotional intelligence is primarily able to control one's own emotions (lust) or takhalli, while spiritual intelligence in question tries to decorate oneself with praiseworthy qualities (tahalli), namely patience when having problems and gratitude for the gift of God.


Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence (ESQ), Stress, Quantum Ikhlas Technology.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i1.3979

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