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Khal dan Maqam Tarekat dalam Tasawuf, Implementasi dalam Kehidupan Para Pengikut Tarekat

Masturin Masturin


The essence of all religions is the surrender to God the creator of the universe, which in Arabic is called Islam in the generic sense. The difference in opinion is the result of pride and rejection. The surrender to the Supreme Lord, without neglecting the attributes of the Divine attribute to what and to anyone other than Himself, is the only true religious attitude, and the other attitude is rejected. In this regard tasawuf is required to describe his teachings in the context of social culture. Tasawuf views that the diversity of religions in the world is merely its form, in essence the same, worshiping the source of everything. One follows the teachings of tasawuf who are in a certain degree looking at God in reality, not in the external sense. Religious and community relations are influential influences that religion affects the growth of society, and then the community affects the thinking of religion. The mutual influence between community growth and religious development is a socio-cultural reality that is a challenge to be understood as broadly as possible


khal, maqam, dan tasawuf


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i1.3878

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