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Rethingking of Islamic Sufism: Sufisme Sebagai Solusi Alternatif Atas Kekerasan Sosial

Moh Muhtador


This paper examines socialism and mysticism. Social change occurs along with the times. These changes touch the colors and patterns for the journey of modern human life, so that the nature of hidonism, individualism and materialism emerge. Where life is only measured by world achievements. The teachings of religion wrapped in the behavior of classical Sufism still cannot contribute to the social problems that occur. Because the model offered is only limited to the spiritual individual, so it does not touch social problems. Thus, it takes rethingking of soufsime. Reformulating the kesufian doctrines by paying attention to social turmoil and the problems that occur with the goal can provide solutions to social problems. Because Sufism is a doctrine of morality that covers aspects of birth and mind, so Sufism reconstructs the paradigm of Sufism is an urgent need to answer social problems.


neo-sufism, solutions and social violence


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v3i1.3877

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