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Psikologi Sufi: Tasawuf Sebagai Terapi

M. Agus Wahyudi


The study in this study reveals about Sufi Psychology, a therapeutic effort in the literature of Sufism teachings. This study focuses on behaviors associated with Sufi teachings or disease prevention, both physiologically and psychologically. The results obtained from this study are the discovery of alternative treatment or preventive against the disease appropriately in accordance with the demands of today's society. It was found that Sufi psychology is an alternative form of therapy as well as overcoming psychological problems carried out using Sufism values as a way of treatment or prevention. This model has been known in the society since Islam and Sufism flourished. Scientific references from the system of treatment work can be found in various theories of Islamic psychology, in which consciousness is the focus of study. The conclusion is the relationship between mind, soul and body in human health.


Psychology, Sufism and Therapy.


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