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Tipologi Pemahaman Penganut Tarekat di Kota Pontianak terhadap Shalat

Muh Gitosaroso


Today, the understanding of prayer and the practice of its implementation are still underestimated by some Muslims. Many who perform prayers but do not interpret the essence of prayer. And in this study the objects that were focused were the tarekat groups located in Pontianak City and its surroundings. This study aims to reveal the perspective of congregation congregation regarding understanding, practice and tips for special prayer 'in the performance of the prayers performed. In this study the method used to uncover these aspects is a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach supported by field data in the form of written interviews, observations and documentation. The analytical method used in this study is a qualitative approach. Based on the results of the study concluded, that basically congregation or adherents of the tarekat have some differences in understanding the meaning of prayer, practices and tips for special prayer. But even though they are different in some ways, they are also the same for other things.


Khusyu’, Shalat, tarekat.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v4i1.2929

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