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Pendekatan Ma’rifat al-Nafs Al-Ghazali terhadap Gejala Psikosomatik: Studi Pre-Eksperimental dengan Psychosomatic Symtoms Questionnaire (PSQ-39)

Lukman Nugraha Pratama, Khodijah Khodijah


Psychological stress due to various economic and social crises has created a significant impact on people's mental health, which can trigger psychosomatic disorders. Although various theories of self-understanding have been developed, the integration of the spiritual dimension in psychosomatic treatments is still limited. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of al-Ghazali's ma’rifat al-nafs in reducing psychosomatic symptoms using an experimental approach. Using the pre-experimental method with two subjects selected based on psychosomatic severity, data was collected through the PSQ-39, interviews, and observations during the 4-week intervention. In its implementation, the intervention applied the five methods of ma’rifat al-nafs in an integrated manner according to al-Ghazali's view of the interrelationship between methods. The results show an average effectiveness of 0.47 which is categorized as quite effective in reducing psychosomatic symptoms. Although with limited subjects that cannot be generalized, the ma’rifat al-nafs approach shows effectiveness that is not much different from psychological approaches in general.


Al-Ghazali, Ma’rifat al-Nafs, Psychosomatics, Spiritual-Psychological Intervention


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v10i2.28955

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