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The Relationship Between Religiosity and Prosocial Behavior in Generation Z

Ajeng Safitri, Puti Febrina Niko, Diva Mustika, Yohan Kurniawan


Riau has a rich culture and a generally very religious society. It is important to understand the impact of religiosity on prosocial behavior in the local context, especially in Generation Z. This research aims to identify the relationship between religiosity and prosocial behavior in Generation Z in Riau and how strong this relationship is. The research respondents consisted of 93 college students from Islamic faculty backgrounds, and analysis was carried out using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric correlation test. The research results show a correlation coefficient of 0.396 with a significance of p = 0.000 (p < 0.05), which means there is a positive relationship of 39.6% between religiosity and prosocial behavior. Religiosity involves creed, worship, understanding, experience, and knowledge. Meanwhile, prosocial behavior involves the behavior of helping, sharing, donating, and cooperating. The higher the religiosity, the higher the prosocial behavior shown by Generation Z, and vice versa.


Generation Z, Prosocial, Religiosity


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v10i1.26289

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