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Kondisi Altruisme Pengamal Tasawuf di Pondok Pesantren Darul Afkar

Sidiq Rahmadi, Nanik Prihartanti


Individualistic tendencies can trigger selfish attitudes. Indonesia has a high generosity index score, but has experienced a decline in helping behavior. This research aims to describe the condition of altruism among Sufism activists and identify the factors that influence it. This is a qualitative phenomenological approach and data was collected through interviews and observations with six people of Sufism activists at the Darul Afkar Islamic Boarding School. The results show that the conditions of altruism that emerge among Sufism activists are based on understanding and belief in Islamic values, understanding and belief form attitudes that have an impact on altruistic behavior, and is able to give rise to various positive feelings. The altruism condition influenced by internal fakctor (gender, cognitive ability, empathy, and religious beliefs) and external factors (experience, interpersonal interactions, and environmental factors). This is a valuable finding in the realm of implementing Sufism in life.


Altruism, Darul Afkar, Islamic Boarding School, Sufism


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v10i1.26280

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