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Mengartikulasikan Spiritualitas-Etis Taha Abdurrahman dalam Merespons Krisis Kemanusiaan Modern

Muhammad Minanur Rahman, Muhammad Yusron Wafi


Western modernity has turned humanity away from humanity itself. Western modernity has glorified rationality to the point of severing the connection between rationality and ethics. Humans, who are essentially ethical beings, are trapped in materialism that leads to colonialism. Departing from this phenomenon, Taha Abdurrahman was moved to reconceptualize modernity based on spiritual-ethics. So, this paper tries to articulate how his concept of modernity is able to answer the problem of humanitarian crisis. This paper is a library research using descriptive-analytic. The result of this research is that Taha Abdurrahman reconceptualizes western modernity into Islamic modernity that is close to spirituality-ethics. He criticizes Western modernism for favoring only rationalism. The new concept he offers is Islamic modernism which holds the principles of al-rusyd, al-naqdi and al-syumul. In addition, the concept of Islamic modernity initiated by Taha does not change or damage the local traditions that exist in each region because it is closely related to spirituality-ethics.


Ethics, Humanitarian Crisis, Modernity, Spirituality


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v10i1.25457

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