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Penerapan Bekam Sufistik terhadap Kadar Kolesterol di Klinik Griya Sehat Syafa’at 99 Semarang

Dianing Pra Fitri, Tamrin Subagyo


Cupping is a sunnah treatment from the time of the Prophet until now. However, there is still limited research on cupping associated with sufistic values. This study aims to determine the difference in the effect of sufistic cupping and non-sufistic cupping on cholesterol. This research design uses pre-experiment design that involves one group being given a pre-test, treatment and a post-test. Based on the results it showed that 11 people experienced a decrease in cholesterol levels, while 9 people tended to experience an increase in cholesterol levels. Meanwhile, if the comparison between respondents who used sufistic and non-sufistic cupping shows a significance figure of 0.759 and it can be concluded that the comparison between cholesterol levels after applying sufistic and non-sufistic cupping does not show a significant difference between the two. The results of the interview showed that after performing Sufistic cupping, the patient felt his heart relaxed and calm.


Cholesterol, Griya Sehat Syafa’at 99 Semarang, Sufistic Cupping,


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v10i1.25392

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