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Implikasi Pendekatan Psikosufistik Sebagai Strategi Pembinaan Moral Kelompok Rentan: Studi Kasus Komunitas Ngopi sak Ngajine di Desa Singosari Kab. Malang

Shofiatun Nikmah


The massive amount of deviant behavior and acts of damage is an issue that has never been studied enough, in fact, it is growing more and more massively in society. The repressive efforts carried out by the authorities and government have not yet shown significant results. There is a need for a moral development strategy with a new approach that touches the inner aspect. Self-control and emotional management can be done well by the esoteric aspect, namely the heart. This research aims to examine and analyze further the psychologistic approach implemented by the Ngopi Sak Ngajine Community in carrying out moral development. The method used is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, where the researcher wants to explain the experiences of community members while receiving guidance. This research produced several findings, that the psychosufistic approach emphasizes humanist aspects, tawadlu's attitudes, and respect in moral development. The psychosufistic approach has implications for three aspects, the psychological aspect, creating a balance between passion, reason, and heart. Sociological aspect, there is an attitude of respect, service, and appreciation towards the community so that it is not isolated from the social environment. In the religious aspect, the psychosufistic approach can increase a person's religiousness thereby supporting him to behave moderately in religion. The psychosufistic approach also supports the maintenance of local wisdom that lives in society.


Ngopi sak Ngajine, Psychosufistic Approach, Moral Development Strategy


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v9i1.24535

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