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Pelatihan Pernapasan untuk Meningkatkan Spiritualitas Pada Pegawai Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Sumatera Utara

M. Iqbal Irham, Adlin Budhiawan


This paper aims to determine the impact of breathing training on increasing spirituality in employees of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) North Sumatra Region. In general, individuals who work in offices or companies are often burdened with various targets that burden the mind and soul. Anxiety, instability and anxiety in work have an effect on an unstable respiratory system. As a result, a person experiences physical fatigue which also has a significant effect on his personal spiritual activities. The type of research in this study is a mix-method study and uses descriptive-narrative obtained from calculating scores on breathing training in 20 BSI employee respondents. The results, through breathing training with a method consisting of long breaths, smooth breaths and deep breaths, it was found that proper breathing can have an impact on strengthening spirituality as indicated by an increase in quantitative scores on spirituality measurements. This impact is also supported by qualitative findings that breathing training can improve an individual's psychological condition


Breath, Deep Breathing, Smooth Breathing, Long Breathing, Spirituality


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v10i2.23826

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