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Exploring the Sufistic Essence of the Tijaniyyah Tariqa in the Book Syarah Al-Mufid ‘Ala Al-Muniyatul Murid

Muzaiyana Muzaiyana, Harisudin Harisudin, Mowafg Masuwd


The teachings of Tijaniyah Tariqa have distinctive characteristics and unique. The aim of this research is to describe the condition of the manuscript of Syarah al-Mufid ‘Ala al-Muniyatul Murid (SMAMM); identifying and elucidating the sufistic values contained within it, which are connected with the principles of the Tijaniyyyah Tariqa and the values upheld by it; and discussing the relevance of the content of the SMAMM manuscript in relation to the development of the Tijaniyyah Tariqa in the present time. The method employed is philological research with a semiotic approach. The importance findings indicate that the condition of the SMAMM manuscript is still in good and legible and the content of this manuscript encompasses the core values and principle of the Tijaniyyah Tariqa. The sufism values revealed in the SMAMM manuscript remain highly relevant for application in the lives of Muslims today.


Manuscript, Sufism, Tijaniyyah Tariqa


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v10i1.23642

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