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Suhrawardi: Analisis Konsep Tasawuf dan Kritik terhadap Pemikiran Terdahulu

Mukhtar Saifuddin, Zaizul Ab Rahman


Suhrawardi's thought is always identified as a philosophical concept seen from the thought of illumination (Isyraqiyah). although in his thought rarely found tasawwuf terminology, there are some concepts of tasawwuf that are basically very common among akhlaqi tasawwuf. Therefore, this study aims to examine Suhrawardi's thoughts from the perspective of Sufism. This research is a type of library research using descriptive and analytical methods. The results of this study indicate that there are four concepts of Suhrawardi's Sufism including (1) the concept of ahwal; (2) the concept of maqam; (3) the concept of murshid; (4) his criticism of previous thought. Humans today have a tendency towards rational things. Therefore, it is important to review Suhrawardi's thought because it is still relevant to these conditions. Because in addition to using intuition, Suhrawardi also uses the ratio as a tool to achieve the ultimate truth.

Keywords: Suhrawardi, Ahwal, Maqam,


Suhrawardi; Ahwal; Maqam; Mursyid


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v9i1.18885

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