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Penafsiran Paradigma Wahdah Al-Wujud Dalam Pemikiran Islam: Studi Komparasi Gagasan Kesatuan Wujud Ibrahim Al-Kurani Dan Mulla Sadra

Fadhlu Rahman, Shofiyullah Muzammil


Wahdah al-Wujud as one of the important concepts of Islamic studies has different ontological interpretations between philosophers and Islamic theologians and Sufis. These different interpretations result in ontologically significant differences in understanding implications. This study seeks to answer the problem of differences in the interpretation of the concept of wahdah al-wujūd from two major figures who indirectly have the same spirit, namely to harmonize various approaches and scholarship in Islam but have different positions and tendencies in interpreting the concept of wahdah based on each socio-cultural background. This research was conducted using the onto-epistemological analysis method which is part of the branch of philosophy. This research concludes that the ontological status constructed by al-Kurani has implications for theological wahdah al-wujūd which explicitly avoids the equality of creatures with God (tanzih and tasbih), while sadra still sees one entity but in different gradations. In addition, al-Kurani still assumes absolute nothingness, while Sadra assumes relative nothingness as the basis for the creation of a reality other than God. Finally, al-Kurani tends to adopt the theological doctrine of al-Kasb as the basis for the relevance of the interpretation of wahdah al-Wujud, while Sadra adheres to the principle of philosophical non-contradiction


Tajalli, Gradation of Being, Ittihad, Kasb, Causality


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v9i1.18461

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