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Dinamika dan Dialektika Ajaran Tasawuf Zunnun Al-Misri

Mukhlis Latif, Zulhilmi Paidi, Muhammad Saleh Tajuddin


The study of Islamic thought is one of the studies that has the orientation of conducting studies as well as critical analysis of several thoughts from Islamic thinkers. In the study of Islamic thought, one of the interesting studies is the study of thought in the field of Sufism. This paper aims to examine the ideas of Sufism from Zunnun Al-Misri with the main idea being Al Ma'rifah. This paper will specifically look at the aspects of the teachings and their implications, especially in the repertoire of the development of Islamic thought in the field of Sufism. This research is a qualitative-descriptive study that tries to analyze thoughts based on books or other research works that substantively discuss the thoughts of an Islamic thinker, namely Zunnun Al-Misri. The data collection technique was carried out by collecting references related to studies that discussed Zunnun Al-Misri's thoughts and then sorting them according to the focus of the study in this study. The results of reference collection are then carried out with a precision analysis process. The data analysis technique is carried out by looking at the focus of the study in research to be used as a reference in the literature review process. The results of the literature review based on the results of the study were then used as research conclusions. The results of the study confirm that the dynamics of Zunnun al-Misri's Sufism teachings are influenced by the social realities that developed during Zunnun al-Misri's life which was filled with the brilliance of Muslims in the field of science. This includes the various Sufism teachings of Zunnun al-Misri who were influenced by Fatimah al-Naisaburiyyah. Furthermore, the dialectical idea of Sufism Zunnun al-Misri was constructed by his student, namely Sahl Al-Tustari about Nur Muhammad which is a construction from the views of Al Ma'rifah Zunnun Al-Misri which is contextualized in the person of the Prophet SAW.


Islamic Thought, Sufism, Zunnun Al-Misri


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v9i1.16945

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