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Peran Pengamalan Zikir Tarekat Syadziliyah terhadap Kesejahteraan Spiritual

Sri Mulyati, Rinova Cahyandari, Puti Febrina Niko


This research focuses on the Syadziliyah congregation. This study aims to determine the practice of the Syadziliyah Order taught by KH. Subhan and how the practice of the Tarekat can affect the spiritual well-being of the students who run it. This research was conducted at the Islamic boarding school Sabilurosyad. This research is a type of qualitative phenomenological research using interviews, observation, and documentation. Sources of data in this study include the leadership of the Islamic boarding school and the students of Sabilurosyad as well as various other literary sources. The results showed that the practice in the Syadziliyah order taught by KH. Subhan consists of bai'at, khataman, manaqiban, general recitation and haul akbar, uzlah, rabitoh (relationships between tarekat followers and tarekat mursyids as well as relationships among tarekat followers), remembrance (jahr and sirri), and chanting remembrance of blessings and istighfar. These various practices of remembrance have a positive effect on spiritual well-being, which is manifested through increasing faith in Allah SWT, improvement of meaning of life in the form of awareness of the meaning of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, and improvement of life goals that become clearer and more positive, as well as the realization of harmony with the environment.


Spiritual Well being, Syadziliyah, Tarekat, Zikr


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v8i2.16735

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