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Konstruksi Sabar Al-Ghazali sebagai Terapi Sufistik dalam Meningkatkan Adversity Quotient Mahasiswa Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Achmad Shodiqil Hafil, Ratnawati Ratnawati


The Covid-19 pandemic also has an impact on students who are required to be able to adapt to the mechanism of online lectures. In fact, it is not easy for them to cope with academic stress during online lectures. Until there was a renewal of the concept of patience as a mystical therapy for student anxiety in the pandemic era. Al-Ghazali as one of the Sufi figures who has a concern for the human psyche has a constructive concept of patience. For this reason, this study aims to explore the concept of Al-Ghazali's patience as a therapy, and to find out the effectiveness of Al-Ghazali's patience in optimizing the Adversity Quotient of students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through a case study qualitative approach to students of the Sufism and Psychotherapy Study Program at IAIN Kediri, it was revealed that Al-Ghazali's concept of patience has various implementations and effectiveness according to individual circumstances in the field. Patience is able to translate and take advantage of learning difficulties as a field to be patient because of Allah. Patience is a therapy for habituation of positive thinking and the presence of God in every event. Sufi-style patient therapy during the Covid-19 pandemic increases the potential for Adversity Quotient students at the Climbers level, namely humans who are optimistic, not weak by problems, and instead turn problems into challenges.


Patience, al-Ghazali, Adversity Quotient, Covid-19 Pandemic.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v8i1.14259

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