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Pengalaman Spiritual dan Kebahagiaan menurut Nyai Hajah Masriyah Amva

Sulaiman Sulaiman


This study aims to describe spiritual experiences and happiness according to Nyai Hajah Masriyah Amva, a female cleric and caregiver at the Kebon Jambu Al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School in Ciwaringin, Cirebon, West Java. This research is included in library research using qualitative methods. The results of this study prove that the spiritual experience carried out by Nyai Hajah Masriyah Amva has led her to true happiness. The happiness that Masriyah Amva gets is an empirical process she goes through and then pushes her to do a 'hijrah' or self-transcendence that goes beyond the physical world or the real environment to the Supreme Reality, God. By making God the pinnacle of transcendence, Masriyah finds true happiness. With God, he feels that he is always near to Him and at the same time becomes his support so that he feels no longer alone anywhere and anytime.


Masriyah Amva, Spiritual experience, Happiness


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v7i2.13143

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