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Sufi Modernis: Peran Transformatif Mursyid TQN Suryalaya dalam bidang Pendidikan, Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Hidup

Asep Maulana Rohimat


This study aims to reveal that the Tarekat in organizational review will develop rapidly if it is led by a Mursyid who has a transformative modernist role. This qualitative research was conducted using a phenomenological approach, participant observation approach and descriptive analysis. The results of the study reveal that TQN Suryalaya has modernist Sufi figures, namely the first Mursyid of TQN Suryalaya Abah Sepuh (Shaykh Abdullah Mubarok Bin Nur Muhammad) then followed by the second Murshid Abah Anom (Shaykh Ahmad Shohibul Wafa Tajul 'Airifn). Through these two Mursyids, it was found that the form of modernization typical of Sufis apart from in the field of ritual worship which is of course the main key, but furthermore has a role in transforming the quality of society towards a better direction in three fields: First, the field of education in the form of formal institutions in the field of basic education, secondary, and college. Second, in the field of Economics in the form of collaboration between Islamic boarding schools and SMEs in the surrounding community. The third is in the field of the environment in the form of nature conservation, irrigation technology, and plantations.


Sufi, Modernis, Muryid Transformatif, TQN Suryalaya.


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v7i2.12747

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