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Pendidikan Sufistik Bagi Masyarakat Kelas Menengah Muslim (Konstruksi Identitas Keberagamaan Berbasis Tarekat)

Inayatul Ulya, Agus Nurhadi


Sufistic education and the rise of the tarekat community in Muslim middle class groups is a phenomenon that shows the rise of religion in the public sphere. The religious expression displayed by the Muslim middle class is a form of religious accommodation to current life which turns out to be able to work harmoniously. Even religion can be a solution to life on the problems experienced by modern society. This article explains that the sufistic education that was followed by the Muslim middle class became a medium to construct their religiousity. They make the tarekat an identity that distinguishes them from other Muslim communities. Sufistic education that is followed by Muslim middle class can be seen in two dimensions, First, the individual dimension that emphasizes the efforts of Muslim middle class to carry out  the practice of the tarekat in order to build piety, improve themselves, build better character, uphold the values moral and religious values in daily life. Second, the social dimension is about the needs of the Muslim middle class to join in the tarekat community in order to build a collective identity that functions strategically in a better social life


Sufistik Education, Tarekat, Kelas Menengah Muslim


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v8i2.12693

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