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Fenomena Taubat pada Komunitas Forsabda di Tulungagung

Mega Mustika Sari, Achmad Sauqi


This research is motivated by the phenomenon where modern humans experience inner anxiety. The condition of human happiness is not only the satisfaction of physical needs, but also the fulfillment of inner needs. In the perspective of Sufism, efforts to fulfill inner needs are carried out by getting closer to God. Efforts to get closer to God in the science of Sufism begin with repentance. From those studies this research's aim is to study the phenomenon of repentance in cultural actors (javanes culture). In the area around the researcher, one of the cultural actors community is Forsabda (Art and Culture Discussion Forum). This study aims to determine the meaning and application of repentance to Forsabda activists. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological method. Data mining was carried out on Forsabda Tulungagung activists, to five participants with semi-structured interviews, participant observation and documentation methods. Participants were selected using a purposive sampling method with the following criteria: 1) Have a minimum age of 25 years, 2) Actively participate in Forsabda activities, 3) Willing to provide information. The data collected were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) techniques. The results of this study indicate that there are four meanings of repentance for Forsabda activists, namely self-awareness, self-evaluation, tawhidan, and habluminAllah. While the application of repentance to Forsabda activists is muhasabah, tawakal, tawadhu, istiqomah, gratitude, and inner peace.


Awareness, Inner Peace, Repentance


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v7i2.11388

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