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Pemberdayaan Pemuda Milenial Melalui Program Penguatan Jati Diri Insan Kamil di Komunitas Home Education Based Akhlak and Talent

Suprima Suprima, Muhamad Parhan, Alma Shafira Reviana, Nurti Budiyanti, Agus Fakhruddin


Millennial Youth Empowerment Through the Program for Strengthening the Identity of Muslim Youth in the Community Home Education Based Akhlak and Talent. Youth with age characteristics who have a tempestuous spirit, the development of thinking power and the development of maximum maturity, in Islamic history have contributed a lot to world civilization. But today's youth seem to have started to lose their identity. Many young people are confused about the purpose of their lives, their life orientation is not directed to the good of the afterlife Therefore, it is important to have a youth empowerment program. The research approach uses a qualitative method with field research. The results of the study revealed that the Home Education Based Akhlak and Talent (HEBAT) community is one of the programs that empowers youth with the values of fitrah-based education (Insan Kamil). The program tries to apply a fitrah assessment model with a mentoring method to ignite the nature of youth so that they shine beautifully into youth who have an empowered paradigm that is not only seen from an economic perspective, but empowered which means freedom from serving other than Allah. Youth who can have an impact on community empowerment are youth who are integrated between mental and spiritual, transmit the spirit of monotheism in addition to the science and technology they master, and are adaptive to the times. The role of the youth is as a solution for the community and as proof of work as a provision for the afterlife.


Community Empowerment, Insan Kamil, HEBAT, Youth


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v7i2.11289

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