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Prokrastinasi Sholat: Analisis Teori Perilaku Terencana

Eny Purwandari, Asep Irawan


Sholat is an obligation for Muslims. Sholat obligations are determined in a day are marked by a call, the name adzan. In Indonesia, with a majority Muslim population, the signs of sholat times are very easy to recognize. But not a few ignore it. The purpose of this study is to understand sholat as a behavior from the perspective of planned behavior. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, with data collection using an open-ended questionnaire and a pocket book as a daily sholat record that informants must fill in for 2 weeks. The informants were 72 under-graduate students, both male and female. The results of this study indicate that the attitude of continuing to sholat in the given timeframe, but not necessarily at the beginning of the sholat time because there are other tasks. The presence of a family is very important as an influential person who reminds him to immediately perform sholat (as a subjective norm). Other things that are 2 considered more important and must be done besides sholat strengthen the intention to postpone praying. The behavior of postponing sholat is very strong based on these findings, because it forms attitudes, family influences and activities, which are more importantly less controllable. Therefore, a positive attitude so that prayers on time need to be built, the presence of the family is very dominant and put other things for a while to be continued after the prayer needs to be removed so that the procrastination of sholat does not occur


attitude, family, subjective norm, procrastination, sholat


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v7i1.10737

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