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Ekspresi Sufi di Ruang Maya sebagai Narasi Damai

Syariful Anam, Royanullah Royanullah, Thiyas Tono Taufiq


Since the beginning of the industrial 4.0 and digital era, the internet has become one of the tools that cannot be responded to by the community, so that in everyday life all activities on the internet. With the presence of the internet, virtual spaces are able to provide virtual communication spaces, one of which is through social media. The social media most used by Indonesians are Youtube, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Of the three platforms, the most popular among the public is Instagram, especially Instagram, which is an effective means of preaching in the digital era. The reason the researchers chose this research, first, from Islamic content, Sufi content becomes content that attracts attention. Second, Sufi expressions are constructed in people's daily experiences. Observations were made by the author using a hashtag (#sufiindonesia) through Instagram using a qualitative approach with a virtual ethnographic method. The results showed that first, the expressions that appear in Sufi practice cannot be separated from the clarity of the day and inner sincerity; second, Sufi expressions include the values of raghabah, ri'ayah, inbisath, wira’i, and mahabbah; third, the expression of sufism in this era often shifts traditional Sufi behavior that describes urban communities from surfing in cyberspace.


Sufi, Virtual Space, Instagram, Peace


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DOI: 10.21043/esoterik.v7i1.10528

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