The 7E Learning Cycle Model and it’s Important on Cognitive Learning Outcomes of Reasoning

Nining Fawely Pasju, Muhammad Kristiawan, Rambat Nur Sasongko, Novita Pancaningrum


This study aims to determine the effect of the 7E learning cycle model on cognitive learning outcomes of reasoning on the material of natural change in fifth grade elementary school. The method used in this study was a quasi-experimental design using an unequal control group design. The sample was 41 students from two classes (class A and class B) and it was chosen by using purposive. Class V A had 21 students who used the 7E learning cycle model, and class V B had 20 students who used the traditional learning. The results of this study were quantitative and qualitative data. The data obtained from students' mathematical connection abilities before the implementation of learning and it obtained from student questionnaires and analysis of observation sheets. The results of this study were: (1) the Learning Cycle Model could improve learning outcomes of science reasoning changes in the shape of objects (2) increased the activity of students who got Learning Cycle 7E better than students who got conventional learning, (3) and most students gave positive attitude towards the 7E learning cycle. This study implied to improve the learning outcome of reasoning by applying the 7E Learning Cycle Model especially in Primary School.


Cognitive, Learning Outcome, Reasoning, 7E Learning Cycle

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