The Influence of Rewards In Increasing Student Learning Interest On Mathematics

Saliyo Saliyo, Nur Hidayah


Teaching was an art. This task was not only carried out by teachers, but also parents. The art of teaching had a goal so that learning achieved success. One of the arts in teaching was giving awards to students. Teaching success would be achieved if there was a change in student behavior, including moral behavior and academic achievement. This article aims to determine the influence of reward in increasing the learning interest of fifth grade students in Mathematics at MI NU Matholi'ul Huda Bakalan Krapyak Kudus. This research was a quantitative research. The research data used a reward scale and learning interest. Sampling used non-probability sampling technique. Determination of the sample using saturated sampling. The results showed that the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.707 which indicated a strong category. Adjusted R Square value obtained a coefficient of determination of 0.499 or 49.9%. This result implied that rewards affect student learning interest by 49.9%, while the remaining 50.1% was the influence of other variables that had not been studied by researchers. The value of t-count with the value of t table. The calculated t value of the learning strategy variable in the form of giving rewards was 4.994 which was greater than t table (2.060) with a significance value of 0.000, the significance value was less than <0.05. This showed that rewards had a significant effect on students' learning interest. For future researchers, it will be better if it is developed and compared to the importance of giving soft rewards and hard rewards in increasing student achievement.


Reward, Student Interest in Learning, Mathematics

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