Development Of Teacher Competence In Creative Writing To Actualize Literacy Of Madrasah

Makherus Sholeh, Abd Aziz, Nur Kholis



Teachers often have difficulty in developing competence in the writing aspect, especially in Islamic-based educational institutions. This study aims to explain the concept of developing teacher competence in creative writing to realize madrasa literacy. This study involved six informants, including school principals and teachers who are members of the writing community. Data was collected through direct interviews (telephone, WhatsApp messages, and video calls), observation, and documentation. The results showed several steps to developing teacher competence in writing at MI Perwanida Blitar: 1) Forming a writing community called ARUNIKA CAKRAWALA. It was started by building mutual commitment, self-efficacy, motivation, and writing habits, and determining rewards and punishments. 2) Implementation of the writing community by actively participating in seminars, workshops, writing training, and webinars, actively writing in external and internal communities of the institution, holding peer tutors, supporting school literacy programs, and publishing teacher and student writings in various genres. 3) Obstacles faced by writing teachers are limited time, limited ideas, and unstable teachers' motivation in writing. This finding offers the concept of developing teacher competence in writing. The findings are expected to be adopted in developing teacher competence in creative writing in other institutions.


Competence Development, Writing Teacher, Literacy Madrasah

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