Imagination And Creative Thinking Skills Of Elementary School Students In Learning Mathematics: A Reflection Of Realistic Mathematics Education

Imam Kusmaryono, Hevy Risqi Maharani



This research is a qualitative research based on classroom reports. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of the RME approach on the imagination and creative thinking abilities of elementary school students in solving math problems. The method of data collection was done through written tests, observations, and interviews. The participants in this study consisted of a class teacher, 36 grade 6 elementary school students, and an observer. The results showed that the application of the realistic mathematics education (RME) learning approach had a positive effect, namely encouraging the development of students' imaginative power and creative thinking skills in solving problems. The principles of RME are in line with the objectives of learning mathematics, namely to equip them with the ability to think logically, realistically, analytically, systematically, critically, and creatively.


Imagination; Creative Thinking; Realistic Mathematics Education

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