Efforts to Develop Religious Moderation Via Upin & Ipin Cartoon Shows

Mufatihatut Taubah, Armi Ayu Octavera, Primi Rohimi, Dewi Ulya Mailasari


Amid the threat of radicalism and extremism, it is important to examine how the message of religious moderation is shown in the Upin Ipin children's film media, which is full of moral teachings. This article examines how religious moderation efforts are carried out through the Upin-Ipin film series. Content analysis is used to examine the values of religious moderation messages in the 3 episodes of the Upin Ipin series. The results show that efforts to foster an attitude of religious moderation are carried out through mentoring and concrete examples of parents explaining the meaning of other religious holidays, encouraging empathy by helping people of different religions when they need assistance, teaching flexibility in social life by participating in the joy of celebrating this day. other religions, without abandoning the principles of their religion. So Upin Ipin's spectacle provides teaching on empathy or caring based on humanity, regardless of racial or religious background, not withdrawing completely, and not approaching by merging with the worship procedures of adherents of other religions.


religious moderation, upin ipin film, empath

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11692

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