The use of Risk Board Game Rulers of Archipelago as Learning Media on creative thinking ability of Elementary School Students

Yani Fitriyani, Marlina Eliyanti, Eli Hermawati, Teguh Ramdan Fauzi


The low ability of students' creative thinking in social studies learning is shown by students who are less able to answer descriptive questions and also have not been able to provide ideas when answering a question. This study aims to describe the differences and improvement of students' creative thinking skills using the board game Risk Rulers of the Archipelago learning media using image media. This research includes quantitative research with a Quasi-Experimental approach, the research design is a Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The subjects of this study were fifth-grade students of SD Negeri Pasayangan, Lebakwangi District, Kuningan Regency. Data collection was carried out using test instruments in the form of pretest and posttest description questions to measure students' creative thinking skills before and after the action. The data analysis of this research used instrument tests and statistical tests. The results showed that: (1) there were differences in students' creative thinking skills in the experimental class using the board game Risk Rulers of the Archipelago learning media and the control class using image learning media. (2) there is an increase (gain) of student's creative thinking skills in the experimental class using the board game Risk Rulers of the Archipelago learning media and the control class using image learning media. The conclusion of this research is the use of board game learning media Risk Rulers of the Archipelago is very influential on students' creative thinking skills compared to those using image learning media.


Social Studies; Creative Thinking Ability; Media Board Game Risk; Elementary School

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