Associative and Dissociative Social Interaction Patterns In The Inclusion School Of SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta

Wina Calista, Mudiyono Mudiyono



The background of this study is still the occurrence of rejection and disputes between regular students and students with special needs in inclusion schools. This certainly has an impact on student relationships in schools. Therefore, this study aims to describe the pattern of associative and dissociative interaction of regular students and students with special needs at SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. This type of research is qualitative research with a phenomenology approach. The result of this study is a pattern of associative interaction between regular students and students with special needs classified in the form of cooperation, assimilation, and accommodation. Cooperation is seen at the activities in the school. This form of assimilation between regular students and students with special needs is the planting of a tolerance attitude. The form of accommodation between regular students and students with special needs leads to a form of arbitration and tolerance. Dissociative interaction patterns between regular students and students with special needs are classified in patterns of competition, contravention, and conflict/strife. Competition occurs in academic competition and competition to be the best student. While the contravention which leads to rejection and the onset of displeased feelings hidden by students against the companion of students with special needs(shadow teacher). The conflict is dominated by students with special needs with emotional and behavioral disorders (unsociability disorder).



Social Interaction Patterns, Associative, Dissociative

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