Strategic Assets Management: Fokus Pemanfaatan Aset Negara Dengan Pendekatan Resource Based View (RBV)

Eko Budi Hariyanto, I Made Narsa


This research aims to be forming the right framework to optimize the management of public assets utilization by DJKN (Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara) using Resourced Based View (RBV). The method used is a case study. The results show that there are many idle assets that haven’t been used, asset that haven’t use optimally for serving (under used), and many assets haven’t been used corresponding with highest and best uses. It means that there are potencial resources and capacities that haven’t maximally used because of many limitations. This condition can cause the losses of opportunity to optimizing the asset utilization either for the job and function of the government or the opportunity loss in getting state revenue from those optimally asset utilization through corporation with the third party. So, public assets management should be done by optimizing resources and capacity which are owned. Here, empowerment of all of resources and capacity that belong to the organization, can be done to support the achievement of the core value which is optimally public assets utilization. That’s why the right framework of the publics asset utilization with RBV approach is hoped to give a solution for the problem that came from management and utilization of capacity and resources that haven’t been run well.

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