Dynamics of Social Accountability of Islamic Boarding School (Case Study of Pesantren Al-Hidayat Lasem)
This study aims to explore the dynamic social accountability of Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren). This research is qualitative research using a case study paradigm focused on Pesantren Al-Hidayat Lasem. The dimensions of social accountability follow Ebrahim's (2003) concepts. Data are collected through in-depth interviews and observations. The informants of this research include the chief and administrator of Pesantren Al-Hidayat Lasem. Miles & Huberman Model is used to analyse the data, namely data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of this study indicate that Pesantren Al-Hidayat has implemented financial reporting, performance evaluation, participation, and social audit.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/aktsar.v7i2.28606
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