WAKAF DAN PENDIDIKAN: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Kudus Jawa Tengah

Murtadho Ridwan, Lisa Irwit Santi


Waqf is one of the Islam teachings that aims to draw closer to God. Aside
from being a religious, waqf have an important role in helping to provide
public facilities. This study aims to determine the contribution of waqf in
providing educational facilities in Kudus. The data that is used came from
the documentation and analyzed by method Angka Partisipasi Kasar (APK).
The results show that waqf in Kudus contribute in providing a means of
education both formal and non-formal. A total of 79.0% of formal education
means early childhood level, 23.4% of formal education means primary level,
62.3% junior secondary level education facilities, and 68.8%, means of formal
education at the senior secondary level provided by waqf in Kudus. In addition,
formal education institutions waqf in Kudus also able provide 15.7% of early
childhood age level, 27.1% of the population aged primary school level, 45.0%
of junior high school age level, and 41.5% of high school age level. As for the
means of non-formal education, the waqf in Kudus used to build a boarding
school, Madrasah Diniyah and Orphanage.


Waqf, Education, Waqf Institution

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/ziswaf.v2i2.1559


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